Lots of catching up to do. There were birthdays, Valentines, and lots of ordinary things this past while.
I have been as usual knitting like crazy, but I am actually making money with it. Each day I find new patterns or ideas and think, there is not enough life left for me to knit everything on my mind.
Things are picking up at work finally. Pools are rolling in, and that makes Dave happy. We have been blessed with plenty of pool table work to keep up afloat this winter. I actually got to work Tuesdays this winter...a first.
It is Catholic Schools Week and there is a ton of scholarship applications I have been buys filling out for next school year. I cannot believe Jack will go...I will have an empty nest in the week next year...amazing, scary....
The weather has been mild for NW OH. The littles have gotten to play outside a bit. Sledding only once as there has been little snow. We had an afternoon swim at the YMCA which was nice. I have had a few dinners with my Stallions group..always a nice evening. B bought a new truck, so now E finally has a car!
On the entertainment front Whitney Houston died 2 weeks ago...the night before the Grammys. Drugs and a bath tub don't mix. She was only 48.
I continue to be an emotional train wreck. I hate this up and down stuff. Maybe it is time to cry Uncle and go to the Dr. for some help.
Catching up on some photos of life. Libbey High School is being torn down. This process has been a fearsome thing to behold.