Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Take time to realize

Our household seems to ebb and flow with the weather these days.  Spring is having a hard go of it in NW OH this year...or maybe we are just so sick of the cold and snow we are jumping the gun a bit.  In any event, when it warms a bit and Will and Jack can go out to get some air, we are a happier household, and we have little ones who willingly fall into bed!
When it gets cold yet again, back to cabin fever and the crazies!  Recently Em's boyfriend brought the boys a Nintendo 64 and some old games including Mario Kart (bless his soul) as this has given a new interest and something else to do.  Let's face it, you can only do so many arts and crafts, watch movies, eat, heck I even put the kiddie pool in our basement and let them "go swimming" for something new to do.

I did manage to buy a new truck...I will post a pick.  Not new new, but new to me!  So glad to have given up the mini van. a.k.a. the looser cruiser!

 I have decided to take time to notice the little things more often.  Spring just seems fitting...everything is new again, that is if spring ever gets here. Impatiently waiting!

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